Wizard World Chicago Comic-Con (August 8-10) *NEW
Krypton Comics Nebraska (May 4 aka "Free Comic Book Day") (photos)
Dallas Comic-Con (May 18-19) (photos)
Philadelphia Wizard World (May 31-June 2 - he will partner with Dean Cain for photos and a panel) (photos | video)
Got pictures? Feel free to email me at irisbrc[at]gmail.com, tweet me @BrandonRouthcom, and/or find me on Facebook at /BrandonRouthcom.
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It was great meeting Brandon at Dallas Comic Con. This pic made my day. Son wants to kill me hahahaha
Brandon was great to my wife and I. thanks. I'm a super fan. I'm Oficial. lol.
Saw this article in the June 2013 "Empire" magazine. It expresses what I and many Superman Returns and Brandon Routh fans feel. Most superhero movies are a dime a dozen--but SR is truly unique and special... and my favorite.
Forbidden love—according to Superman Returns…
Superman fans. Especially those who feel slighted by the way their hero’s been treated. They are an unforgiving, merciless breed. Over time, Bryan Singer’s Christ-like Superman Returns has been well and truly crucified. But while his mournful, romantic take may not have been the ballistic bitch fight people wanted, it deserves to be reappraised on its own terms—not chided for what is isn’t, but appreciated for what it is.
Singer essentially made a domestic drama, a love triangle that just happens to have the world’s greatest superhero as its focus. Yes, Lex Luther is the weak link, there almost, you suspect, out of genre duty. Because Superman Returns real antagonist is forbidden love, and arguably, on Singer’s thematic playing field, the real villain is Lois (Kate Bosworth, with Brandon Routh, above), for her ongoing lie about her son’s patronage. The film was criticized for dumping on us an emo Superman—back when people stilled used the word emo. But Singer went for the heart, and for those of us who share the sentiment, it paid off in spades. In 2009, Quentin Tarantino told The New York Times how much he admired Singer’s work on the film, that he was writing an epic review of it, already 20 pages long. We Superman Returns devotees may be in the minority, but we mean it, man.
Singer’s Superman is stuck, lost in time, and it’s deeply affecting. Yes, he’s a peeping tom, and a potential homewrecker. But affairs of the heart can be ruinous, even to gods and, some would say, directors. Singer was perhaps blinded by his own love, for the character and for Richard Donner’s original film, but Superman Returns’ maturity and serenity should be cherished. It’s the world’s greatest superhero weepy. It’s unlikely we’ll see it’s kind again. And that makes it all the more special.
Alex Godfrey
Empire Magazine
June 2013
Not surprised - thanks for sharing, Danny!
Yet another "glowing" review of Man of Steel! On Good Morning America they asked Dean Cain what he thought of Henry Cavill as Superman and his response was "He's very fit". I also wanted to point out that "Superman Returns" took in $86 million it's opening weekend which in todays figures would be $118 million and had the second "Pirates of the Caribbean" opening at the same time--MOS didn't have any competition at all. At the time SR opened there was nothing but great things said about in in all the magazines and reviews (trust me, I have them :) ) and certainly about Brandon! I know it's a long shot but I'd still love to see Brandon as Supes again--bring the class back to the character...
Henry Cavill’s action flick never takes flight
Cavil lacks the charisma and humor of the past Supermans. (IE Brandon Routh)
2 of 4 stars
The S on this Superman’s chest might as well stand for “supremely disappointing”. Actually, that goes for the charmless film, which plods along despite a pedigreed cast. For starters, why overcomplicate an origins tale that has held up for 75 years? After Jor-El (Russell Crowe) ships his baby son from Krypton to Kansas, the story cuts to a grown Clark Kent (a bland Henry Cavill) serving as a deckhand on a random boat. OK, then. Disconnected flashbacks lead Clark to his planet’s Zod (Michael Shannon), who aims to destroy Earth with…secretly harvested DNA?! No fun costume change in a phone booth, no wowing humans with his powers and no repartee with reporter Lois Lane (Amy Adams). Here, she’s as gloomy as the obits page in the Daily Planet! Even the action feels labored, with the last hour devoted to people running from fireballs and getting thrown through walls—all by way of phony—looking CGI effects. Throughout the 143-minute opus. Clark is lectured about the importance of being a “force of good” in the world. Clearly, the film-makers themselves weren’t listening.
By Mara Reinstein
US Magazine
This is a great review of SR, thanks for posting it :)
Thank you for this article of Alex Godfrey Danny. After all that noise about Man of Steel, some good words about Superman Returns makes me feel better. We are a lot of to think exactly the same thing. This movie is a great movie, full of feelings and heart and Brandon is a perfect Superman. Maybe, with time people will understand that.
나의 영원한 슈퍼맨ㅡ브랜든 루스..사랑해요~~헨리 카빌은 정말 별로였어요...끊임없는 활동으로 계속 보고 싶어요~한국에서도 응ㅈ원할께요!^^♥♥♥
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