"Superman Returns" Box Office: Week 3

Monday, July 17, 2006 by Iris with
Superman Returns dropped a respectable 44% from last week to pull in $12.3 million for a domestic total of $164 million and a worldwide cum of $241 million.

View a detailed breakdown at BoxOfficeMojo, but note that the film had a budget of $204 million, not the site's reported $260 million.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I believe there are two issues to consider in why domesticaly is not as high as expected and foreing is so high: politics and issues with inmigrants. It is interesting if we consider that "the Pirates" are inmigrants too... go figure!

Anonymous said...

worldwide cum?

Anonymous said...

hi.....i'm brazilian.....but I wacthed your movie.....i think very nice...and i like u very much....kisses
by....Carol and Lid

Anonymous said...


Iris said...

"Cum" is short for "cumulative." It's used in box office speak quite regularly.

Anonymous said...

Hi, great site!

I believe you spelled sum incorrectly with a "c" in the first paragraph under the week three box office total.

Anonymous said...

I've heard rumours that they need $200m domestically to warrant a sequel, but why wouldn't worldwide count? Anyway, I think there WILL be a sequel, and DVD sales are likely to be pretty huge.

Anonymous said...

I dont like pirates!!! thats all...

The Pomez said...

Vincent Van Gogh, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and so on all died completely poor!! Their art and music lives on forever, stupid parents with stupid kids think some disney worthless crap about thieves like pirates is a fun thing to watch, let them have it!
Worldwide Superman will CRUSH everyone and everything and as for the US who cares how it goes, if americans are willing to give money to watch movies like you me and dupree and Little man then that says alot about the us market, money does not make a movie good or not, look at titanic got 600 million dollars was it good?? NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! Brandon Routh is EXCELLENT as CLARK AND SUPERMAN, the small details that he pulls off are simply incredible!! Well fix 200 million in the states and then for Sequel we will make it 400 million in the states alone, WHY because Superman ROCKS!!!!!!

The Pomez said...

Forget about the money my dear friends, let disney have their pirates and let stupid parents take their stupid kids to go watch a movie about thieves and whatnot! Money alone does not determine whether a movie is good or not, Look at titanic grossed 600 million in the states alone, was it that good?? hardly!! We will get about 200 million on this one and then 400 million for the sequel and then 600 million for the third one, Brandon can do it!! Such an excellent performance of you my good man, the small details that you pull off are simply spectacular, the elevator scene your smile and wave to Lois, the innocence that is Clark, your turning around eating your food after Lois returns from your flight, eh you wanted to see me, jimmy shouting in your ear your eye movement and all those things, your facial expression as you fly of into space after having seen lois and richard and the kid, PRICELESS you are BORN to do this role! We will together make it all happen!! and in case you wanna see a persian version of superman just go to www.masterpoya.blogspot.com and scroll down a bit!! hehe!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy so many people are getting behind this movie and Brandon--I can't tell you how much I love this film, and Brandon's performance--I too appreciate all the subtle, yet effective facial expressions, gestures, and the way Brandon delivered his lines--just simply perfect. If you happen to read this Brandon, all your talent and hard work on this film is truly appreciated--I think you are the best Superman ever. Considering the "Pirates" cast is all very popular actors (don't see it myself) but you have managed to capture the hearts of millions around the planet. I've seen the film 7 times now and will go at least a few more times--will miss it when it leaves theaters. Can't wait for the DVD!

Anonymous said...

We realize that "worldwide cum" is used in the industry to mean "worldwide cumulative" but 99% of the lay populace doesn't know that and will always see it as a snicker-inducing typo. I don't think that's what you want to do, albeit unintentionally. Can you just type out the word "cumulative"? I think it will save you a lot of redundant posts such as this.

Aside from that, this is a great great website. You have done such a beautiful job with the look and accessibility. Kudos to you for doing this for the fans. You're terrific!!

Seen the movie 9 times now and once in IMAX. Will definitely go for more as long as it's still in theaters!

Anonymous said...

God, He's so Cute!!
I am glad that the film is doing so well.
I have seen it three times myself,and wouldn't mind it a couple of more times!
Superman is definitely back in a BIG way!!!

Anonymous said...

Bah!pirates sucks...i like superman returns better and watching it more than once can make me feel i want to watch it more!!i think i'm also planning to buy a DVD once it comes out.I just hope WB will make a sequel,considering that not all people hate the movie.I think people
who say that the movie sucks without watching it are bullshits.GO WATCH THE MOVIE BEFORE CRITICIZING IT!!I've got the feeling that it will reel a lot of cash in DVD and comics sold internationally. I agree with lostsoul
WB should have also considered when Pirates was coming out and should have moved the date of the showing.This way they wouldn't lose much money
Plus i heard that WB was hoping to get $20 million on the opening day but they got more than they hoped for.but i'm not sure if that will guarantee a sequel....

Anonymous said...

i hope that they'll have a sequel but as for stupid parents taking their stupid kids to watch pirates is annoying! BS! screw Pirates...they can die for all i care...Superman Returns is the best summer movie ever!

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