According to NBC, Brandon has joined NBC's anthology series "Fear Itself," a Summer '08 13-episode horror and suspense series to be directed by filmmakers such as Mary Harron ("American Psycho") and Brad Anderson ("The Machinist"). The series is produced by Lionsgate Entertainment.
"Community" is directed by Mary Harron ("American Psycho," "The Notorious Betty Page," "Big Love") and written by Kelly Kennemer ("The Music Within"). When a young married couple, played by Routh and Appleby, find the perfect house in the perfect neighborhood, their lives seem...well...perfect. But as the dark underbelly of their neighborhood creeps to the surface, they soon realize that their neighbors will go to any extreme -- even murder -- to make sure that they comply with their twisted sense of conformity. John Billingsley (Star Trek: Enterprise") also stars.
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