Brandon donated his time for the Variety Telethon in Iowa for the second time this past weekend to help raise money for Iowan children in need. He was accompanied by his sister
Sara who performed a song from her album. The result: the telethon raised $3.3 million!
Read the DesMoinesRegister article.
Visit Variety of Iowa.
1 comment:
This is such a great thing both Brandon and Sara did volunteering their celebrity, talent, and time for this cause. I'm certain they made a HUGE impact on the sucess of this Telethon, and their contributions were even greater considering they both live in the L.A. California area, and had to take the time and expense just to be there. Anyone that has had to take a plane out of LAX know's that that alone is a major feat--even for Superman :-) I'm sure everyone there was thrilled to have them there, and to meet them personally. They are both genuinly good people and it's people like them that make the world a better place. Brandon may not really be a superhero--but he certainly is a Super-man and Sara a Super Lady.
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