The first Question and Answer session with Brandon is up
right here. Remember, you may continue to email questions for Brandon at
qa@brandonrouth.com, but note Brandon cannot reply to them personally. Just to clarify, because this is our kick-off session, Brandon has answered all 19 questions at once. In the future, roughly 3 or 4 per month will be answered as time permits. Finally, here are a few words from Brandon:
Brandon: Thank you to everyone at br.c for supporting me, and for all your kind words and congratulations :)
Great Responses.I hope to get a question in next time
Mr. Routh did such a great job! Thank you so much! I hope to meet him one day! As do all of his fans!
Awesome! Thanks Brandon!
AHH!!! how cuuute! :)
i'm so happy about this. he's so damn cool. :) it was great to see some of those great questions answered! i really loved what he had to say.
Brandon is such a genuine good hearted guy. I almost have trouble believing a guy that exists! No wonder he was picked to play Superman! His answers were warm and funny and honest. The worst thing he does is jay-walk??? He is every girls dream guy!!!
Thank you Iris sooo much for organizing this. Brandon is an absolute sweetheart.
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