Supermen Fly to Wizard World Iowa in June [Updated]

Thursday, June 11, 2015 by Iris with
Wizard World recently announced that two Supermen, Brandon Routh and Dean Cain, will both appear at Wizard World Comic Con in Des Moines, Iowa in June. The last time they were at a convention together was Wizard World Comic Con Philadelphia two years ago (photos).

Brandon's panel will be held on June 13th at 12-12:45p:
From portraying the iconic Superman in 2006’s “Superman Returns” to The Vegan in “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” to Atom in the CW’s “Arrow” and “The Flash” it seems Brandon Routh was born to be super! Now you can get a glimpse into his career and life in this special Wizard World Q&A with his fans!
Fans can also choose to have a photo with one ($50)or both ($100) super stars.

As far as scheduling goes, Brandon Routh will be appearing June 13-14 while Dean Cain will be there all three days June 12-14.

Get tickets at Wizard World.

Update #1: Brandon will be recognized by the State Historical Museum of Iowa on Friday, June 12th where he'll share Hollywood anecdotes and show a free screening of SUPERMAN RETURNS.

Update #2: Brandon's panel will be live-streamed through CONtv. Register now.

Fun fact: Brandon was born and raised in Norwalk, Iowa