Brandon will be voicing Everywhere Man, an original villain, for the WB animated series The Batman in season 4 this fall. Check out a screencap from Comic-Con footage at Legions of Gotham.
July 23rd: Diana Arechiga sent me some photos of her photos of Brandon and Courtney at the DC booth and Outside screening. Check then out here. Also, congratulations to Outside for winning best sci-fi/fantasy film.
Brandon made a surprise appearance at the DC Comics booth on the convention floor where he spent some time taking pictures with fans and signing autographs. He was in San Diego to support his girlfriend, Courtney Ford, as her short film Outside showed at the Comic-Con: International Film Fest. I'll talk more about her fantastic sci-fi short at my blog later on. If you'd like to share your photos of Brandon at the convention, email me.
July 21st: Justin from BlueTights.net has put online the entire panel discussion in m4a format.
12:13 PM PST:Donner just showed the audience a deleted scene from Superman II where Lois discovers that Clark and Superman are one and the same by drawing glasses, a fedora, and suit on a newspaper picture of Superman.
11:56 AM PST: Richard Donner has just stepped onto the stage.
11:50 AM PST: I'm sitting in Hall H listening to Bryan Singer answer Q+A questions from the audience. Singer treated the audience to a several minutes-long blooper reel that included outtakes from most of the major cast. One line that Brandon got tongue-tied on: "I hope this experience hasn't turned anyone on [flying]." Singer's just announced that he'd like a sequel to be released in 2009 and that the Return to Krypton scene probably will not be on the dvd but may be seen in IMAX 3-D.
July 19th: I'll be giving away several copies of the Superman Returns soundtrack at the convention courtesy Cinemedia Promotions. Join in the discussion at the forum.
July 11th: I'll be attending this year's Comic-Con in San Diego July 21-23. On Friday, director Bryan Singer will answer questions about Superman Returns and give us an update on what's next. Also, some super-secret guest from the film and past Superman incarnations will be at Warner Home Video's Superman Through the Ages panel that same day.
BT/Planet Member Meet-Up information is here.
is brandon gonna be there?
Diorella: I don't know.
Have fun and see if you can snag some pics of ol' Bryan :D
I'm debating whether or not I should bring my laptop.
ahh i wanna go! i live in san diego but darn i have to work :(
Im going to... does anyone know if hes really going? I was planning on going saturday but if Brandon is gonna be there I will have to change dates dont care just to get to see him *-*
Im going... I was planning on going sunday but if hes gonna be there friday Im changing dates... does anyone know for fact hes gonna be there?
Bryan Singer's the only one confirmed for Comic-Con.
I'll be bringing my laptop with me to San Diego so I'll update the site from the convention floor on any Superman news.
All right, I'm in my hotel room.
Will the blooper reel be on the DVD?
omgg he was at comic con!! i was debating whether or not i should go but i chose not to. and now im kicking myself in my head.
siempre guapo
Now Brandon can really sing "I've been Everywhere Man!"
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